It's always good to reconnect with old friends. And because the Happy Hour Gal's national tour was playing Baltimore, she and Jimmy were able to stop by Union Craft Brewing in Baltimore's Woodberry neighborhood. They have BIG NEWS! Click through to learn, and Cheers!
A revisit to Short's Brewing: Well lookee here...
Jimmy, AJ and Joe stop in to Bellaire, MI to check in with our old friends at Short's Brewing, and my how things have changed. Is Bellaire still a quiet Hamlet or a Beer Mecca? And is the slogan still "Michigan Only, Michigan Forever"? (hint: both times, check the latter.) Enjoy a visit with some old friends. Cheers!
Oh, how we Long (Island) for Sand City Brewing!
Mark, Jimmy and Squigs take the short journey from NYC to Northport NY, on Long Island; a beautiful little village with a historical part of the very bones of New York City. Also where, right in the middle of Main Street, Sand City Brewing is making craft beer that... well, it pretty much blew our minds. Click below for more about this great place and these TERRIFIC beers that will soon be much, much harder to get. This is a #WalkDontRun alert, people! GET THEE TO NORTHPORT!
Frank McNally, Kevin Sihler, and Bill Kiernan, Co-Owners of Sand City.
This was just the start of DELICIOUS.