Mark and Jimmy started THHG, but a nationwide team keeps it going. Meet the players!
Our new office. Or, bourbon barrels at Buffalo Trace in KY.
Mark and Jimmy at New Holland Brewing.
Mark Aldrich, Historian Guy.
Mark with Rich Buceta at SingleCut Beersmiths.
Jimmy Ludwig, Communicator Guy.
At Jim Beam. The hairnet should have covered sideburns.
Vermont. Huh?
Pretty. Just pretty.
Squigs! The Artsy Guy.
The New York Guys on Staten Island.
Tim Heller, The Blonde Guy
Jeff Scot Carey, Stat Guy.
Stat Guy. Smile, man.
Joe (Loud Guy), AJ (Science Guy), and Jimmy.
Michigan contingent.
Food pairing. Have drool napkin handy.

The beer is that way...
Craft. They keep making it, we'll keep reporting.
Can't take your eyes off of him for a second.