"We're not viral; we're FUNGAL. We grow steady and slow, and are basically unstoppable." - Jimmy, 2012
Pilot Episode: McSorley's Ale House. 2006.
Jimmy says:
"Our slugline is "‘Two actors walk into a bar… and a brewery…. and a distillery… and -’ That couldn’t be more truthful. Mark and I are professional Actors based in New York City; we work on and off Broadway, TV and Film. We met doing a production of 1776 at the Ford's Theatre in Washington, DC in 2003 - and as the run of the show progressed, we kept running into each other at great bars in the DC area. A conversation began. By 2006 I had a film company and we had a pilot, the pilot we thought would launch a thousand ships: A great episode at McSorley's Old Ale House, one of the oldest continuously serving bars in the US.
Well, the pilot didn't get the kind of interest we'd hoped for. But we were waking up in an interesting fact: We really, really liked doing this. We kept shooting, started our website, bought a domain, started blogging, editing video: And the more we wrote, captured and discovered, the more we realized how important it was to tell these stories.
All of a sudden it wasn't about creating a show anymore; we had a mission.
Self-production presented the challenge of a ton of work, no guarantee of any money whatsoever, AND an ocean of creativity - going out on a limb with no guarantees, exactly like the people we were profiling. So we kept feeding the content monster, and got better every single episode.
2008: An idea and borrowed equipment.
Suddenly it was 2015, and we're fully fledged Content Producers - from one beat up hand-me-down camera and iMovie, to 3 cam shoots and Final Cut Pro. we'd become PrEdAtors - (Producer/Director/Editors) and we dropped our 300th - yes, THREE HUNDREDTH - video episode. That's days of online footage, thousands of hours of shooting and editing time; we've made a few bucks along the way, but averaged out over that time committment, the rate likely be less than pennies an hour. In fact, given the traveling, gear purchases and time spent versus the money we've made, I'm very sure that we're deep, deep in the red. However, as I said, we never did this in pursuit of money; very quickly this became all about the Love of Craft.
What next? Oh, just the Broadway Brews Project, a pandemic, and possibly our biggest project yet. 2020, you’re a bitch of a year, but we’ll beat you yet.
And how shall we give you a taste of this journey? Our traditional End of Year episodes of course.These cover bits and pieces, in video, of pretty much every place we've visited since 2008. Enjoy.
2009: Soon we'll be in HD.
2012: 5 years in.
2015: To 300...and beyond!
2010: The STATES.
2013: Beer Heroes.
2016: Broadway Brews begins!
2011: Travels with Thurston.
2014: For Funzies.
2017: Reaching for the six-pack.
2018: Chasing the six-pack.
2019: Five down, one to go. Also princes.